5 Simple Copywriting Tips for Small Business

If there’s one thing small business owners have an abundance of, it’s time...said no small business owner ever. Entrepreneurs know the all too familiar reality of moonlighting as several departments—juggling accounting, inventory, customer service, and the never-ending demands of digital marketing (welcome to business in 2022, right?).

Do you want to demystify the art of writing good copy? Free up time to spend on other areas of your business? Live out your Mad Men fantasy? 

These tips go out to you.

#1 Be you

Good news: nobody knows your business better than you do. You are the perfect spokesperson to write about the value of your product or service. Chances are you’ve already attracted customers through your experience and personality; don’t be afraid to highlight those qualities in your writing!

#2 Know your audience

Imagine your ideal customer. How do they benefit from your business? What are their needs as a consumer? It’s important to convey the value of what you’re selling in your copy. Keep in mind, this is your customer’s idea of value — not necessarily yours.

Once you have a good grasp of who your audience is, be sure to write in a language that resonates with them. Good copy considers the level of experience, vernacular, and the digital location of the customer. Meet your audience on their playing field.

#3 It ain’t Shakespeare

You don’t need to be a wordsmith to write good copy. Copywriting is more about conversational writing than it is about penning the next great American novel.

Focus on keeping your writing concise and easy to follow. If you can carry on a compelling conversation about your product, you’re well on your way to successful copywriting.

#4 Keep an eye on quality

Frequency of publication is important. This is not permission to send out one end-of-year newsletter and call it a day.

But you know what else is important? Originality, relevance, and engagement. Your audience doesn't want to read something they've heard from you time and time again. And even more egregious—you certainly don't want to bore them.

Good content strategy is all about striking the balance of quantity vs. quality (elusive, we know). Don't be afraid to slow down to achieve more successful copywriting.

#5 Use your resources

Remember that you don’t have to go it alone! The beauty of copywriting for the web is that there are so many free or low-cost resources to help make it more efficient. Try a browser plugin like Grammarly to hone your grammar or Hemingway App to check for readability. 

Scared of SEO? Don’t be! Google offers a free search engine optimization guide to get you started, while Semrush can help you with keyword research.

And of course, we have your back too. Follow our blog for more tips on marketing in the digital space. Need some personalized guidance? Drop us a line here!

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